
Adolescents are at an important stage of growth, but recently, I’ve noticed that my child is always unable to concentrate on their studies, and the teacher mentioned it might be ADHD. What are the common symptoms of ADHD in adolescents?


Hello! The common manifestations of ADHD include the following three aspects:

  1. Hyperactivity: Even while in the mother’s womb, the child’s activity level is significantly higher than that of other same-age individuals. Infants and pre-school children are particularly active, showing excessive movement, crying and fussing, and being restless and difficult to calm down. As they grow older, their level of activity increases, and they may not pay attention in class or focus on their work.
  2. Impulsivity and Emotional Outbursts: Children with hyperactivity have poor self-control and unstable emotions, with mood swings, stubbornness, immaturity, a lack of honor, and no sense of right or wrong. They may lie, deceive, skip school, and develop bad habits outside.
  3. Inattention: Children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on lectures and work, and are easily distracted. Please note that the above information is for reference only. For specific symptoms, please consult a neurology doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendation.