
What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns? A parent noticed that their one-month-old daughter could not lift her head when lying on her stomach, and the doctor diagnosed it as possible cerebral palsy due to hypoxia. Besides the inability to lift the head while lying on the stomach, what other symptoms may be present?


The symptoms of cerebral palsy in the neonatal period may include: difficulty with breastfeeding, such as weak suckling or refusal to nurse; excessive crying or continuous crying; spontaneous movement is less, muscle tone is low, and the body is weak and limp; muscle tone is too high, the body is stiff, often pulled out from sputum, the head tilts back, sometimes the head tilts to one side, and the lower limbs are extended; appearance of startle, convulsions, screaming, or restlessness; abnormal posture, such as adduction, internal rotation, and fist clenching. Parents should closely observe the behavior and development of their infants and seek medical attention immediately when abnormalities are detected.