
Elementary students often get distracted in class, perform small actions, and severely disturb their classmates’ learning, and they cannot sit still. After diagnosis, they are found to have ADHD. What are the causes of ADHD?


Generally speaking, children’s liveliness and restlessness are their nature, but some parents may mistakenly consider their children’s lack of focus in class, small actions, or disinterest in homework as ADHD and seek medical assistance. However, research shows that only 1/3 of children with true ADHD fall into this category, while the remaining 2/3 may simply be playful or lack interest in learning. Diagnosing ADHD requires a comprehensive evaluation of medical history, physical and neurological examinations, mental health assessments, and auxiliary tests. During this process, the collection of detailed and accurate medical history is particularly important because symptoms may not be apparent in brief mental health assessments for children with mild cases.