
A friend of mine recently had a big, healthy baby boy, which should have been a joyous occasion. However, the child was born with cerebral palsy. I’m not sure how to comfort her, so I’m just going to ask here whether the condition can be treated. I guess with modern science so advanced, treatment should be fine, right?


Having a big, healthy baby boy is a joyful event. When the child was born, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. After analyzing the child, he developed cognitive functions and brain training. Hi, if a child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, treatment is necessary to improve the child’s self-care abilities, enhance and develop cognitive functions, and conduct language training. There is no possibility of treatment without intervention. Firstly, family members should face the problem directly, confront reality, persist in scientific treatment, be patient and loving towards the patient, and insist on rehabilitation. If conditions permit, the child should be sent to a regular rehabilitation center for comprehensive training.