
My child is quite active and has difficulty concentrating, which seems like a symptom of ADHD. Can you tell me about the common prevention methods for ADHD?


Here are some common methods to prevent ADHD:

  1. After starting school, parents and teachers need to collaborate to prevent ADHD. Parents should always communicate with teachers, keep up to date with their child’s school situation, and promptly address any feelings of sadness, ensuring the child maintains a cheerful mood.
  2. The diet should be rich in nutrients that are easy to digest and absorb. Eat more foods that are beneficial for the brain and vitamins. As a protective measure against ADHD, it is advisable to eat less or avoid as much as possible foods containing lead, dyes, preservatives, and processed snacks. From an early age, cultivate good living and learning habits, stick to a regular schedule, and avoid staying up late. I still don’t know if your child has ADHD. Note: Please supplement and modify according to the actual content.