
Dear parents, my 3-year-old son has been tugging at his ear and complaining of itching for the past few days. I noticed that his earwax is yellowish and thick, and he has a buzzing sound in his ear. He also has a slight fever. How should I treat my child’s otitis media with yellow earwax?


The treatment of pediatric otitis media can involve using symptomatic medication based on the child’s symptoms. Regional use of anti-inflammatory ear drops can be considered, and painkillers can be used for children with more pronounced earache symptoms. If there is a fever, fever-reducing medication can be taken, and if the fever is high, it is recommended to seek medical assistance. In case of severe conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, timely medical treatment and surgery should be sought. At the same time, reasonable dietary and lifestyle habits should be arranged to help the child recover from the illness as soon as possible.