
A 2-year-old girl exhibits breast early development. After a series of checks, it is confirmed that she has breast early development, but the results of other projects are normal. The parents provide relevant test results and inquire whether it can be determined as precocious puberty and how to handle it subsequently.


Hello, the child’s condition indeed falls under precocious puberty. The early onset of puberty can be caused by various factors, including congenital brain development abnormalities, brain tumors, long-term hormone use, and sometimes even no clear cause can be found. One of the common symptoms of precocious puberty in girls is breast development. It is recommended to undergo long-term endocrinology follow-up. For central precocious puberty, oral chronic albumin or leuprolide can be used for treatment to slow down bone development and improve final height. If it is caused by a tumor, surgical resection should be considered.