
The areola has appeared darkened with hard lumps, accompanied by vaginal white discharge. After hospital examination, it was diagnosed as precocious puberty. Zhibai Dihuang Wan has been taken for a week, but there has been no significant improvement, with only a slight reduction in discharge. I would like to know how long it takes for this condition to show effects and whether eggs can be consumed.


If it is a false precocious puberty, it may be caused by excessive additives in food, and there is currently no specific medication for treatment. It is recommended to adjust the dietary structure, focusing on natural foods such as vegetables, fruits, meats, and seafood, but homemade cooking is preferable, with a reduction in eating out. Precocious puberty is an abnormal phenomenon of early sexual development, characterized by breast development, the appearance of pubic and armpit hair, as well as rapid growth in height and weight, and the development of external genitalia. In children, the incidence rate of precocious puberty is about 0.6%, with more females affected than males.