
Due to the cause of precocious puberty, I masturbate every day, and now there are many small white spots on the head of my Longnaokang. Long-term masturbation has caused some residual substances on my foreskin, and I bathe every day but do not pay attention to cleaning the foreskin and the head of Longnaokang. Moreover, my foreskin is too long, and I have never had it circumcised. I am afraid to tell my family about this.


Based on your description, you mentioned that you masturbate every day due to precocious puberty, leading to the appearance of small white spots on the head of your Longnaokang. Long-term masturbation may cause difficulties in cleaning the foreskin and residual substances on the head of Longnaokang. A long foreskin is also a problem. Excessive masturbation may lead to male sexual dysfunction, such as difficulty in achieving an erection, unstable erections, premature ejaculation, and prostatitis. The foreskin and penis should be kept clean at all times, and the foreskin should be flipped up and down to ensure cleanliness. You need to stay away from factors that stimulate sexual desire, such as books and movies. At the same time, you should strive to control your masturbation behavior, learn to shift your attention, and establish a regular lifestyle.