
I am now in my seventh month of pregnancy and feeling increasingly tired. A close friend recently gave birth and their newborn baby showed severe jaundice. What types of food should pregnant women consume in the later stages of pregnancy to prevent neonatal jaundice?


Hello, in response to your situation, it is recommended to moderately consume jujube during the latter stages of pregnancy, as it helps promote the development of the fetus’s nervous system and also supplements the iron and blood needed by pregnant women, thereby reducing the risk of neonatal jaundice. However, it should be avoided in excessive amounts; one to two jujubes per day are sufficient. Additionally, it is advised that you pay attention to rest and warmth, avoid overexertion, drink plenty of water, and consume a rich variety of vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating cold and spicy foods, maintain a good mood, and ensure adequate sleep. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health.