My baby has been crying and refusing to eat since yesterday. This morning, I noticed several large blisters in my baby’s mouth. Concerned, my family took the baby to the local hospital for a check-up.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, primarily affecting infants and young children. It can lead to blisters on the hands, feet, mouth, and other parts. Some patients may experience complications such as myocarditis, pulmonary edema, and aseptic meningitis. There are over 20 types of enteroviruses that can cause HFMD. The incubation period for the disease is between 2 to 7 days. The source of infection includes patients and asymptomatic carriers. Patients are the main source of infection during outbreaks. They can shed the virus from their throat during the acute phase of the disease. The virus can be released when there is a high viral load in the virus particles. Patients may still excrete the virus through their feces for several weeks after the illness.