
A girl was born on October 5, 2007, and her chest has already begun to develop obvious, with pubic hair also appearing. She is 1.55 meters tall, her bone age is 2 years ahead, and her menstrual period has not yet started. Her parents are 1.78 meters and 1.52 meters tall, respectively. Is this girl showing signs of precocious puberty, and could her future height be affected?


If a girl shows signs of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of eight, it can be considered as precocious puberty. Based on the described situation, the girl’s development is premature but does not yet meet the criteria for precocious puberty. Regarding the impact on height, it is recommended to undergo a sex hormone six-item test and growth hormone stimulation test to assess. If the test results are normal, it usually will not significantly affect height. It is advised to seek further diagnosis and treatment from a professional medical institution.