
During class, the child loves to talk and can’t sit still. They have no patience for any task and are particularly lazy. They are not good at playing with other children, talk excessively, are afraid of the dark, and seem to behave like a child two or three years younger than their age. What kind of help can I get? I don’t know which medicine to use? What should I pay attention to in terms of education at home?


ADHD is a common mental disorder in children. Western antipsychotic drugs, such as fluoxetine, can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine, which includes calming the liver and wind, resolving phlegm, and promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis. Treatment should be combined with appropriate diet. Pay attention to a diverse diet, avoid fussy eating, and moderately reduce the intake of high-sugar and high-protein foods. Consume more fruits like tomatoes and oranges, as well as fresh green vegetables. Eat less pepper, pepper powder, and other spicy flavorings and synthetic chemical additives in food and drinks.