
The boy is 6 years old. These days, the child told me that his ear hurt a bit. In the morning, I found that the earwax was purulent and a bit yellow, and he also had a headache and fever. How should I diagnose and treat the child’s ear pain due to otitis media?


The recommended treatment is to follow the doctor’s orders and give the child anti-inflammatory medication. It is also possible to use region-specific anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child has ear pain, some painkillers can be administered in moderation. If accompanied by high fever, medication should be used according to symptoms. In severe cases, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. In addition to medication, if there are conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, timely medical treatment is required. During the treatment period, it is important to supplement nutrition, maintain a light diet, and ensure adequate rest to avoid fatigue.