
I’ve been very worried lately. My little nephew has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This has caused quite an upheaval in our family. Everyone is searching for various materials about childhood cerebral palsy. Could you please tell me what are the common intervention methods for children with cerebral palsy?


High-risk factors for cerebral palsy discovered before, during, and after birth include pregnancy infections, rubella, severe pregnancy hypertension, birth asphyxia, premature birth, severe jaundice, intracranial hemorrhage after birth, etc. Common intervention methods for children with cerebral palsy include sensory therapy. Sensory therapy involves applying pressure stimulation to specific parts of the body to elicit reflexes and reflex movements, and through repeated stimulation, it promotes normal reflexes and movements, thereby inhibiting abnormal reflexes and movements. Children with cerebral palsy may also exhibit symptoms such as difficulty in feeding, weak sucking, helplessness in crying, or being easily startled, overly quiet, inactive, and delayed in physical development.