
What is the approximate cost of a Down Syndrome genetic test? (Note: A general Down Syndrome test has been conducted, and the results show a threshold, with the doctor recommending further ‘Down Syndrome genetic testing.’)


Down Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is a condition where the patient has an extra chromosome 21 compared to a normal pair. The Down screening is done by analyzing the levels of AFP and HCG in the pregnant woman’s serum, combined with the woman’s age, weight, and gestational age to calculate the risk value. The threshold is set at 1/275; values higher than this are considered high risk, while those lower are considered low risk. In the general population (under 37 years of age), the chance of having Down Syndrome is approximately 1/750. If the screening result is high risk, it is recommended to undergo amniocentesis, but even with a high-risk result, it does not necessarily mean the fetus has Down Syndrome. However, for safety’s sake, it is still advisable to…