
What is pediatric developmental hip dislocation, and is it difficult to treat?


Pediatric developmental hip dislocation is a condition caused by shortening of the muscles and fascia around the hip joint, which prevents the femoral head from descending to the level of the acetabulum. Since the contraction of the adductor muscles hinders the abduction of the hip joint, it makes reduction difficult. However, after the hip joint subluxation in newborns is relieved, the femoral head applies pressure to the acetabulum, promoting further development of the acetabulum. Therefore, most children between 1 and 2 years of age can recover. The treatment method depends on the cause of the disease; mild cases mainly adopt conservative treatment, and surgical treatment and repair may be necessary. Parents should pay attention to reducing their child’s activity, enhancing nutrition, strengthening resistance, and undergoing observation and treatment with the assistance of medical devices, and regularly reviewing to avoid missing the optimal treatment opportunity.