
In the past two years, I have discovered that I have chronic umbilical hernia. It appeared when I was in my 20s and then went away. In recent years, it has started to recur. Now, my symptoms are moistness around the navel and frequent discharge. I want to know what the best treatment method is?


Chronic umbilical hernia may be caused by damp-heat and fire entering the small intestine from the spleen and liver, or by an infection in the umbilical hernia from phlegm. You can try using traditional Chinese medicine surgical ointment for external application to clear heat, promote moisture, reduce swelling, and resolve phlegm and stasis. This treatment can quickly eliminate inflammation and swelling, and recover within a course of treatment without side effects. It is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine ointment therapy, which uses external medicine to activate blood circulation, relax tendons and muscles, clear heat and detoxify, making veins unobstructed, blood circulation smooth, improving peripheral microcirculation, reducing inflammation, and quickly eliminating swelling and pain.