
I’ve found umbilical inflammation for a week now. Every day, I first rinse with hydrogen peroxide, then apply iodine tincture for disinfection. Some doctors online say to pour the powder from norfloxacin capsules into the navel, and I’ve done that as well. However, there has been no improvement these few days, and I’ve noticed that the flesh on the right side of my navel seems to have swelled even more, and there’s also pus.


According to the described situation, this may be related to umbilical inflammation. Umbilical inflammation mainly manifests as redness and swelling of the umbilicus, with exudate leakage. Attention should be paid to the health around the umbilicus. It is recommended to clean with saline solution and apply iodine tincture for disinfection of the umbilicus. It is best to wrap the wound to prevent infection. If there are systemic symptoms such as fever, timely antibiotic treatment against infection should be administered. If oral medication does not improve, intravenous infusion can be used. The best treatment for umbilical inflammation is to carry out regional disinfection.