
The baby of a neighbor has been complaining of abdominal pain recently, with poor digestion and fatigue, and a pale complexion. The doctor at the hospital said the baby has chronic congestive splenomegaly. I want to know how to treat it? Is traditional Chinese medicine effective for treating pediatric chronic congestive splenomegaly?


When patients experience severe hypersplenism, a splenectomy may be considered. The postoperative prognosis varies depending on the obstruction site and the surgical procedure. If the obstruction is within the splenic vein, the outcome after splenectomy will be better and can be treated. In cases with liver or portal vein changes, bleeding may still occur even after splenectomy, but it can alleviate hypersplenism. As for the current situation, the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine in treating pediatric chronic congestive splenomegaly is not very good.