
The umbilical hernia inflammation has been ongoing for five days. After being treated in a hospital with traditional Chinese medicine and intravenous fluids, the symptoms have not improved and have even worsened. How should I proceed with the treatment?


Based on the described symptoms, it may be related to umbilical cord inflammation. The main manifestations are redness and swelling in the umbilical cord area, with secretion leakage. Treatment should focus on the hygiene around the umbilical cord, with regular cleaning and disinfection. If accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, antibiotic anti-infection treatment should be used. At the same time, good living habits should be cultivated, especially attention to the daily hygiene of the umbilical cord area to prevent infection. Generally, anti-infection treatment needs to be continued for about a week, during which close attention should be paid to the disinfection and cleaning of the wound.