
My daughter has become very active lately, failing to pay attention in class, and her grades have dropped. The doctor said she has ADHD. What are the causes of ADHD?


Nine symptoms can confirm a child has ADHD. 1. They find it hard to stay still when they need to and are often in motion. 2. They are easily excited and impulsive. 3. They have difficulty concentrating and are prone to shifting focus. 4. They often don’t start or finish tasks. 5. They have many words, good exclamations, or loud noises that usually disturb other children’s activities. 6. They struggle to follow the order or discipline of group activities. 7. They have unstable emotions and must be satisfied immediately; otherwise, they will have emotional reactions. 8. Their academic performance is poor, but not due to intellectual disability. 9. They are clumsy in movement and have poor fine motor skills. A thorough and comprehensive assessment of the patient’s psychological, social, educational, and occupational adaptation is necessary before treatment.