
My child is very active. Even when watching TV, they can’t sit still; they keep moving around on the sofa, with their hands and feet never still. I’m really worried about this and am also concerned that they might have ADHD.


There are several methods to quickly determine if a child has ADHD. First, pay attention to whether the child can concentrate. Children with ADHD find it difficult to focus for long periods, including while watching TV, movies, and cartoons. Typically, they can concentrate when engaged in activities but dislike being disturbed. Second, observe whether their activities have a clear purpose. Children with ADHD often lack specific goals; their behavior is spontaneous, impulsive, and lacks self-control. Minor incidents can lead to crying or temper tantrums, and they tend to engage in irresponsible behavior. In contrast, normally lively children have goals and plans. Therefore, when determining if a child has ADHD, it’s important to pay attention to the child’s concentration and whether their activities have a clear purpose.