
I am worried that my child’s ADHD may affect his life, and I want to know the symptoms and treatment methods of ADHD.


Based on your description, your child has been diagnosed with ADHD. Before seeking medical advice, please follow the guidance of healthcare professionals. Here are some common symptoms and treatment methods for ADHD:

  • Symptoms: The symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, impulsive behavior, and learning difficulties.
  • Diet: Pay attention to your child’s diet, reduce the intake of tyramine and methylsalicylate foods, and avoid cold and spicy foods. Increase the intake of foods rich in zinc and iron.
  • Lifestyle: Reduce the time spent watching TV, establish a routine in daily life, and cultivate good habits in living and studying.
  • Awareness Training: Help your child improve their awareness of integration into the group, cultivate social skills, and cooperative abilities. Remember that these are just suggestions, and specific treatment methods should be carried out under the guidance of healthcare professionals. I hope this helps you and your child. Wishing you both health!