A colleague’s child has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. What causes this condition, and what is the most effective treatment method?
ADHD is a behavioral disorder, also known as mild brain dysfunction or mild brain injury. It is a common behavioral disorder in children, primarily manifested in the following facts: despite normal or near-normal intelligence, there are many defects in learning and behavior, such as inability to concentrate, excessive activity, impulsive emotions and restlessness, as well as neurodevelopmental disorders. ADHD has many causes, and the specific etiology varies from individual to individual. The effectiveness of ADHD treatment varies from person to person, so it is recommended to conduct an early investigation and take treatment measures as soon as possible. Treatment methods for ADHD include medication and behavioral therapy. Medication treatment usually involves commonly used ADHD medications such as methylphenidate hydrochloride. Behavioral therapy includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, and educational interventions, among others. For different children, doctors will develop the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual circumstances. A good learning and living environment is also very important for the treatment of ADHD.