
Is this fever due to high temperatures or lymph node inflammation? Are there any good methods? Can it be cured? Please give me a doctor’s advice.


The child’s fever may be related to incomplete resolution of lymph node inflammation. It is recommended to continue treatment. For children with fever, physical cooling is recommended as the first choice. For temperatures below 38.5 degrees, it is suggested to frequently use warm water for sponge baths, wiping the skin of the limbs and back until it turns pink (the chest, abdomen, and neck skin is sensitive and prone to chills upon stimulation, so do not wipe them). Do this every 20 minutes or so, which can effectively lower the temperature. For temperatures above 38.5 degrees, medication for fever reduction is recommended, with good results. If the situation does not improve, it may be necessary to go to the hospital for intramuscular injection of fever-reducing medication and further treatment.