
A nine-year-old boy weighs 70 kilograms. What exams are needed for pediatric obesity, and what should be paid attention to in daily life?


Medically, children whose weight is more than 20% above the average standard weight are defined as obese children. Obesity levels are categorized as mild (20%~29%), moderate (30%~49%), and severe (50% or above). It is recommended to visit the endocrinology department of the hospital for the following exams:

  1. Lipid Profile: This includes measurements of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), and β-lipoprotein (β-LD) in the blood, which are usually normal or slightly elevated.
  2. Blood Glucose Measurement: This includes blood glucose and glucose tolerance tests. Most obese children have normal blood glucose levels, but some may exhibit reduced glucose tolerance. At the same time, insulin levels in the blood are often increased.
  3. Measurement of Free Cortisol in Blood and Urine: These indicators are usually normal or slightly elevated. In daily life, attention should be paid to cultivating a healthy diet.