My child has shown poor memory and intellectual disability since childhood. Simple thinking prevents normal school enrollment. A friend suggested it might be intellectual disability, and I’m asking how to determine if a child has intellectual disability.
Based on your description, consider the following facial and physical abnormalities: Some congenital intellectual disabilities may manifest in facial and physical features. For example, children with congenital idiocy often have wide-set eyes, slanting eyes, a flat nose bridge, tongues frequently sticking out of the mouth, and drooling, which is commonly referred to as the “international face.” Children with hydrocephalus have particularly large head circumferences, while children with microcephaly have particularly prominent skulls. Patients with hypothyroidism are particularly short in stature, and children with phenylketonuria have abnormally pale skin and very light-colored hair. Additionally, intellectually disabled individuals tend to have poor responsiveness to the environment. It is recommended that you go to a regular hospital for a check-up and receive treatment after clarifying the cause.