
What adverse effects can ADHD have on children?


ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. These symptoms can lead to difficulties in children’s academic, social, and family lives. Specifically, ADHD may result in the following issues:

  1. Difficulty staying still in quiet environments, frequently moving around.
  2. Easily becoming excited and angry.
  3. Difficulty focusing attention, prone to distractions.
  4. Often not finishing tasks.
  5. Talkative, liking to interrupt or disturb others, which may affect other children’s activities.
  6. Difficulty adhering to rules and discipline in group activities. Early intervention is crucial for the treatment of ADHD. The sooner the treatment begins, the better the prognosis for the child, and their ability to recover normal social function is stronger. Therefore, once diagnosed, families…