
I was diagnosed with dwarfism when I was young, and now at 18, I am only 150 cm tall. I am really distressed. As a male, how will I survive in the future? Please ask: What can be done to alleviate diseases in people of short stature?


Growth and development are influenced by various factors, including genetics, nutrition, activity, diseases, deep sleep, and living environment. If the growth plates have already fused, there is little room for growth. If the growth plates have not fused, drinking more milk, taking calcium supplements, and engaging in activities like pedaling can be beneficial for growth and development. In cases of severe dwarfism, it is recommended to seek medical treatment immediately and follow the doctor’s instructions for symptomatic treatment. At the same time, pay attention to your diet and avoid spicy and stimulating foods to prevent exacerbating the condition. I hope this information is helpful to you. Thank you.