
My child is six years old, and the teacher has reported that this child is very active, almost never idle. How should ADHD be treated?


Your child’s situation aligns with the characteristics of ADHD, which is one of the more common behavioral issues in young children. While a small portion of cases may gradually improve with age, some patients may continue into adulthood. It is recommended to visit a regular hospital as soon as possible for diagnosis, where treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, and ear acupuncture can be combined with symptomatic medication. However, caution should be exercised when using medication, as long-term and excessive medication may be harmful to the child’s growth and development. Although some children may exhibit behaviors similar to ADHD, not all are classified as such. For severe cases of ADHD, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly, follow the doctor’s recommendations, and avoid random changing medications to prevent adverse effects. The above suggestions are for reference only.