
I always thought ADHD was something only boys get, so I never really paid much attention to how rambunctious my daughter was. It wasn’t until I had her thoroughly checked at the hospital that I found out she actually has ADHD too. I’d like to ask, how does ADHD occur?


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as pediatric learning and behavioral developmental disorder, is a mild brain function disorder syndrome. It has a higher incidence rate than childhood tic disorder and is a common psychological disorder in children. Children with ADHD have normal or near-normal intelligence, but exhibit shortcomings in practice, behavior, and temperament. Most children show symptoms from early infancy, manifesting as restlessness, sleep disturbances at night, and non-cooperation in feeding. Children with ADHD are characterized by their hyperactivity, which is a psychological illness. The causes of the disease are diverse, and treatment can be particularly challenging. Therefore, while treating the child, dietary adjustments should also be made.