
My baby is two months old, and there’s always a white substance on their tongue. Do they need treatment? What could be the possible causes? And how should we handle and what should we be aware of?


Hello! Based on your description, your baby’s tongue has a white substance, which might be a thick tongue coating. This could be due to weakened spleen and stomach. Generally, for infants who mainly drink milk, their tongue coating tends to be thicker. You can observe your baby’s stool to see if it’s dry, which might indicate some internal heat. I suggest giving your baby some warm, plain water appropriately. Feed them this after each feeding and before bedtime each night; the situation should gradually improve. Additionally, be mindful not to give your child too many greasy foods and try to keep the diet light. I hope this answer can help you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask at any time. Thank you!