
My baby is two months and ten days old. A few days ago, they had a fever and were taken to the hospital. The doctor said they have encephalitis and also have a small amount of fluid buildup. Now, my child is in the intensive care unit, and I haven’t been allowed to see them for several days. The whole family is very worried. Can my son recover?


Hello, a two-month-old baby may have purulent meningitis and requires aggressive anti-infection treatment, usually for 10 to 14 days, or up to 21 days in more severe cases. There may be sequelae, such as subdural effusion, hydrocephalus, meningoencephalitis, intellectual disability, epilepsy, vision impairment, and more. The specific diagnosis depends on the severity. If a severe meningitis is present, it may lead to neurological damage and developmental disorders of the nervous system. After neurological damage to the brain, it can trigger many developmental disabilities in organs and limbs. It is essential to receive proper treatment.