
My child is 7 years old and has been suffering from headaches for a week. They had an EEG done at the hospital, which revealed some issues, but the CT scan came back normal. The doctor diagnosed it as encephalitis and prescribed Yanhuning Acyclovir. I would like to know if this treatment is correct?


If the child is diagnosed with viral encephalitis and receives timely and accurate treatment, there is a possibility of a rapid improvement. Therefore, it is crucial not to interrupt the treatment and allow the child to recover as quickly as possible. Additionally, the symptoms you described, such as dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and reluctance to get out of bed, are unlikely to be post-lumbar puncture complications and are more likely manifestations of post-encephalitic meningeal irritation. This condition requires a period of treatment and rest to recover. It is recommended that you continue with the treatment, and whether or not to undergo another lumbar puncture will be decided by the doctor based on the child’s recovery status. If it is not necessary, the doctor will not insist on another lumbar puncture.