
How should neonatal jaundice be treated? What are the treatment suggestions for infants suffering from this condition?


Neonatal jaundice is a common phenomenon caused by the immature metabolic capacity of the infant’s liver, leading to the accumulation of bilirubin in the body. In most cases, neonatal jaundice is physiological and does not require special treatment; it usually resolves naturally over time. During this period, increasing the intake of sugar water can help accelerate the relief of jaundice. If the symptoms of jaundice are severe, consultation with a pediatrician is recommended. Phototherapy, adequate water supplementation, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine that clears the liver and benefits the gallbladder, as well as reduces jaundice, according to the principle of differentiation and treatment, are all viable treatment methods. If the level of bilirubin continues to rise, the medical team may consider using exchange transfusion therapy.