
Can cerebral palsy babies receive brain protein injections and undergo functional therapy?


A course of brain protein injections is required. It is also mentioned that the baby’s foot bend requires functional therapy. Is it necessary to bring the baby for brain protein injections and functional therapy? Can functional therapy be performed at home? Cerebral palsy often develops before birth or in infancy, characterized by increased muscle tone, difficulty with abduction, and in severe cases, muscle stiffness, spasms, and joints maintaining a flexed posture. Milder cases may show poor fine motor skills in the hands and inability to put the heel down while walking. Such patients often have language development and speech disorders, strabismus, and about 1/3 of patients have varying degrees of seizures and intellectual disabilities. Cerebral palsy can cause delayed motor development. If the child is still inactive and not moving much at 3 months after birth, or if they do not exhibit crawling movements when lying on their stomach, or if their hands remain clenched at 4-6 months after birth, showing a tense gait or scissors gait, etc., it can be considered to give the child Longnao Kang to promote brain development, which may help restore normal levels of speech, walking, and intelligence.