
A friend’s child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, showing symptoms of continuous drooling and spontaneous laughing, which is very concerning for the friend. What treatment methods are available for pediatric cerebral palsy to help alleviate the condition?


Cerebral palsy is a disease that occurs during infancy or in the neonatal period, with causes including congenital injury, neonatal hypoxia, brain anemia, or preterm birth. The main symptoms involve abnormal muscle tone and movement disorders, with severe cases possibly presenting muscle rigidity, spasms, and fixed joint flexion postures. Milder cases may manifest as slight hand tremors or difficulty in placing the heel down while walking. Additionally, patients often suffer from delayed language development, speech disorders, and strabismus. About one-third of patients may experience varying degrees of seizures and intellectual disability. The best advice for treating cerebral palsy is to undergo rehabilitation under the guidance of a professional physician.