
My cousin’s child has had pediatric cerebral palsy for a long time and has taken many medications without any effect. Now the condition is getting worse, and the doctor suggested doing rehabilitation therapy in daily life, but we don’t know what kinds of rehabilitation therapy for pediatric cerebral palsy there are, and whether it will help improve the child’s condition?


The most critical aspect of rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy is early detection and early intervention, and most of them can achieve better treatment outcomes. Currently, the methods of cerebral palsy rehabilitation both at home and abroad include both the root causes and symptoms. Rehabilitation techniques are palliative treatments, including one form of Vojta therapy and another form of Bobath therapy. Most cases of cerebral palsy involve white matter damage, and white matter can regenerate within two years, and the remodeling is very strong. Active use of drugs to induce the re-differentiation and compensation of these white matter’s myelin. The combination of symptoms and treatment will be more effective. Other methods include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, hydrotherapy, and wax therapy.