A month ago, a baby over six months old suddenly had yellowish-white, large-grained stools in the middle of the night. Subsequently, the baby began to defecate ten to twenty times a day, with each amount being extremely small. The parents tried giving probiotics and astringent antidiarrheal powder, but there was no improvement. They then switched to tannic acid protein tablets, but the effect was also not significant.
This condition may be due to the baby’s weakened body, accompanied by gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by viral or bacterial infections. In addition, inflammatory reactions in the respiratory tract may also affect digestion, leading to diarrhea. It is recommended to use antibacterial and antiviral medications along with medications for expectoration while also taking Montmorillonite powder, probiotics, and tannic acid protein tablets to regulate gastrointestinal function. If diarrhea persists for an extended period, it may lead to intestinal flora imbalance, at which point the effects of probiotics or prebiotics are worth looking forward to.