
My baby is one year old and has been suffering from indigestion and diarrhea for about four or five days. During this period, we have given him Montmorillonite powder, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, Pediatric Anti-Diarrheal, and Pediatric Maltose and Jujube Tablets. Now, his stools have formed with particles, which has been the case for three days, occurring two to three times a day. What should we be aware of next? Which medications should we stop taking?


If the child is in good spirits, eating normally, and there is no water in the stool, then it is advisable to now only take Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium to adjust the intestinal flora, drink more warm water, and there should be no major issues. Pay attention to drinking less dairy products, as they are not conducive to the recovery from diarrhea. You can stop giving the baby medication after his stools improve. Pay attention to dietary hygiene, especially for complementary foods. Hand hygiene should also be taken into account. I hope my response is helpful to you.