
I would like to know how hand, foot, and mouth disease in children can be treated. Are there any good methods to prevent children from suffering from hand, foot, and mouth disease?


If a child has hand, foot, and mouth disease, antiviral treatment methods should be used. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is not a horrible (terrible) illness; families do not need to worry too much. Just give the child antiviral medication, and also use some topical ointments to relieve the child as the skin caused by hand, foot, and mouth disease can be itchy. One of the good ways to prevent hand, foot, and mouth disease is to maintain good personal hygiene habits, such as washing hands frequently, avoiding contact with sick children, and avoiding sharing utensils, towels, etc. In addition, regularly cleaning and disinfecting the living environment is also an effective measure to prevent hand, foot, and mouth disease.