
My daughter struggles to pay attention in class, barely understanding the teaching content. She procrastinates with homework and easily gets distracted during study sessions. How should we treat ADHD in children?


The treatment for ADHD in children is not just medication but includes psychological therapy, family therapy, behavioral therapy, dietary therapy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and Western medicine treatment. This is a comprehensive approach to treatment, which should be conducted under the guidance of a doctor at a regular hospital. ADHD consists of three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Appropriate education and management are usually required. Be patient, caring, and loving towards your child. For bad habits, actively engage in educational guidance, provide more encouragement and praise, and reward achievements. Do not impose mental pressure on them or subject them to guilt or corporal punishment. For those with bad habits and learning difficulties, more specific guidance should be given, implementing a regular lifestyle system, cultivating good habits, and continuously building self-confidence.