
My son is 41 days old. A few days ago, he could briefly lift his head when lying on his stomach. Now he can do so for 1 to 2 minutes. When I hold him upright, he prefers to tilt his head back instead of lying on my shoulder. His limbs are slightly stiff, and he likes to tilt his head back. What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns?


Common symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns include a reduction in soft and spontaneous movements, which is a sign of low muscle tone that can be observed within a month; body stiffness, which is a symptom of hypertonic muscles, and can be seen within one month; abnormal head circumference, often seen in children with brain damage; fixed postures such as opisthotonos, frog-like posture, and inverted U-shaped posture, which can be observed within one month after birth; and poor weight gain, especially when breastfeeding is weak.