
My daughter has cerebral palsy and walks with a scissor gait due to poor coordination. However, our family’s economic situation is not good, and watching her development is quite poor. I want to know what to do about pediatric cerebral palsy?


Cerebral palsy is a comprehensive neurological disorder with comprehensive variability in all aspects. It is a permanent condition, and there is currently no specific medication that can cure it. The only method for treating cerebral palsy is through rehabilitation training. Early detection and treatment are crucial for recovery; the earlier the treatment, the better the recovery will be. It is best to start treatment before the age of 2, as delaying treatment can lead to stronger feelings of inferiority in children and worse prognoses. Encourage children to interact more with society, and the expectations for children with cerebral palsy should be lower than those for normal individuals; do not expect them to be perfect. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you, and wish you health!