
A friend’s child is now a few months old and recently suspected to have some abnormalities. The doctor said the child has Down Syndrome, which is quite concerning. So, how much does it cost to treat Down Syndrome?


Down Syndrome, also known as congenital or Trisomy 21, is the most common congenital defect caused by chromosomal abnormalities in children. As the name implies, the disease is a mental disorder with a specific phenotypic trait caused by innate factors. The incidence rate of live births with Trisomy 21 in our country is approximately 0.5‰-0.6‰, with a male-to-female ratio of 3:2. 60% of children suffer from miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. The main clinical features of the children include mental retardation, poor physical development, and distinctive facial features, and may be accompanied by various malformations. Currently, there is no effective treatment for the disease, and long-term education and training for children should be provided. Preventing infectious diseases and various infections, using oral vitamins B6, r-tyrosine, folic acid as early as possible, can help improve function. Surgery can be performed to correct related malformations.