
A young child, compared to peers of the same age, shows symptoms such as dull eyes, rare smiles, delayed language development, unsteady walking, and slow growth. After hospital examination, it is diagnosed as cerebral palsy. The family is concerned about whether children with cerebral palsy can receive effective treatment?


Cerebral palsy is a congenital disease that usually forms during fetal development. Currently, the treatment methods provided by medical institutions include rehabilitation training, medication, surgery, and massage, but these methods are often difficult to directly target the lesion, resulting in limited treatment effects. With today’s medical level, it is not possible to completely achieve a state identical to normal people, but efforts can be made to approach a normal lifestyle. The best rehabilitation goal is to enable the child to manage their own life, successfully complete their education (including passing college entrance exams such as the Gaokao), enter the workforce, and even establish romantic relationships and families. In fact, there are many cases of cerebral palsy where children have achieved remarkable progress in self-care and daily life.