
My son is 4 years old and has been stuttering for 2 years, with periods of improvement and worsening! His parents are in a long-distance relationship; his mother speaks a dialect that is not very fluent, and his father is also a stutterer! What should we do?


Stuttering is a very complex speech disorder. Stutterers not only exhibit abnormal speech behaviors but also often experience emotional disturbances and attitudes towards the world. They change their ways. The specific manifestations of different stutterers are different. Guidance is necessary due to the complexity of the characteristics of stuttering. The treatment methods for stuttering are also diverse and complex. Currently, the treatment of stuttering mainly focuses on non-medical treatments, including speech training, psychological therapy, biofeedback rhythm devices, voice modification techniques, delayed speech feedback methods, and masking techniques. Treatment should be based on the individual’s characteristics of stuttering, personality, emotions, and behavior, and appropriate treatment methods should be selected.