
My baby was just born and is less than 20 days old. They have been formula-fed until now. Since yesterday, the baby has been choking on the last few mouthfuls of milk and sometimes vomiting after feeding. This happens with every meal. So, I want to ask if crying and vomiting in newborns are signs of a cold?


Generally, crying and vomiting in newborns are due to indigestion rather than a cold. If the baby does not have symptoms like a runny nose or sneezing, it is not a cold. It is recommended to observe the baby’s diet and provide adequate warm water. Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention to avoiding cold foods and fatty foods. Most issues related to breastfeeding are usually associated with improper feeding methods. After feeding the baby, it is helpful to hold the baby upright and pat their back to aid in expelling the formula.