
The baby is 23 days old but the jaundice symptoms have not receded, there are no obvious surgical indications, and conservative treatment is currently being adopted. The baby’s vital signs are stable, but there has been no weight gain. The total bilirubin level is 171.46, the direct bilirubin level is 52.98, and the indirect bilirubin level is 118.48. How should this be handled?


Hello, jaundice is one of the common symptoms during the neonatal period, primarily caused by disordered bilirubin metabolism or excessive production, leading to elevated serum bilirubin concentration and resulting in yellowing of the conjunctiva, mucous membranes, skin, and other tissues. Generally speaking, physiological jaundice in full-term infants should not exceed 221 days and should not last longer than 14 days. Based on your child’s condition, it should be diagnosed as pathological jaundice. Usually, jaundice does not…